Tuesday, March 2, 2010

more photos

mom talking with Grandma and Grandpa on Skype

Anastaya's pretty dress

Can you say cool?

Sunday, February 28, 2010

My First Pictures

Gods promise that there will never be a flood that will cover the earth again
This plant came from the person i am named after
this is my valentine present that dad gave me i love it so much like i love you grandma

tweet tweet sings the little bird saying grandma and grandpa are coming home soon 
 the sky looks like you because it loves us so
 This  small tree will grow taller than you but now it is smaller than you

This tree is bigger than mom and this tree is prettier as you

this is like everbody looking on this blog were all like a big family

mom loved this flower and it grew big
this is moms garden she loves it so
this is the kissing tree if you are right by it you have to kiss who ever is right by it
This lake has ducks in the summer time and we feed them bread.